It's been ages since I've written but all this time has been consumed by either work or keeping my head on straight. Between my aging parents, my son who has gone off to college and messes at my big girl job, I've just havn't had much time to be here.
H1N1 has really played havoc on our society of late, don't you think? And I just have to believe that it's keeping people out of the malls --it has me for certain! We've had 3 cases of it in our little work group and most affected have been the parents with little children in daycare. Fortunately they've each recovered but I can't possibly ignore all those little babes who didn't make it or, the perfectly healthy 40 year old woman with only a mild case of respiratory discomfort. Wow, living can be so elusive.
On the positive, we do have Internet Shopping! I think I may be done for once before December 23rd this year! Call me paranoid or OCD about germs but that can't be all bad, considering the business that I'm in, right?
I just bought this cute jacket for myself... Purple is so HOT right now.

I like the jacket as well!! CUTE!!!!!!!!!!